I know my energy will rebound and that I’ll be eager to head to the studio, but I’m feeling very tired of late. I have a lot of things I’d like to accomplish and projects waiting for attention, but frankly, I’d like to just curl up with the cats and take a nap! I’m a late sleeper and I’m finding it more difficult to pop out of bed and start the day…I just want to hibernate! Fortunately, I have the ability to so. I have no boss to answer to and I don’t feel a bit guilty if I choose to stay in my pj’s and spend the morning reading in bed or lingering over a cup of tea. I arrived at the status of “senior” several years ago and have come to the realization that I no longer have deadlines to make or clocks to punch, no need to “jump through hoops” and prove myself! Been there…done that! I’m now comfortable with giving myself permission to indulge my whims in taking time to “smell the roses”. It’s rather nice and I feel so lucky to be able to make time for myself and just “be”. Life is good!
Perhaps it's the transition from summer to fall and…
by Barbara | Nov 1, 2015 | An Aside, One-of-a-Kind | 0 comments