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Metal Clay - Flower Disks And Ammonites

It seems that I had just completed a large selection of fine silver metal clay Flower Disks and Faux Ammonites, but I have run out of them again!  They are very popular components because they embellish and accent so many different art and craft projects from bead embroidery to mixed media jewelry to stitchery and more. This time around I used two different types of fine silver clay both of which can be fired together at 1,650 degrees Fahrenheit...PMC+ and FYI (For Your Inspiration) clays.  Using both types of clay is rather handy because I can create large components with the PMC+, which shrinks at a rate of approximately 9% and smaller components with the FYI, which has a shrinkage rate of approximately 20%.  The Faux Ammonites (shown left in the photo) in this collection range in size from 8mm to 11mm while the Flower Disks measure approximately 11mm to 13mm.  All have been patinaed using liver of sulphur.  I've assembled these components into several collections, which you'll find in my Etsy shop.

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