Several posts ago (Upcycling Bicycle Chain), I showed a bead woven pendant dangling from a bicycle gear chain that I had found some time ago. I really like the way the chain fits and find that it is extremely comfortable to wear! It is also sturdy and versatile as I have a number of pendants that pair well with it. Shown here is the latest pendant I created to wear on this chain. Granted, the chain is bold and not what I would consider particularly feminine so it requires a pendant that is somewhat stark. Sorting through my collection of stones, I came across this three-inch long piece of shale, which I knew would be wonderful on the chain. The stone is three-sided and quite uneven so the prong setting works well to secure the stone firmly in place. I also found a small stash of bronze metal clay components that I made a while ago and they were just what I needed to add a bit of warmth to the pendant! I like a piece to look as good on the backside as the front and because the pendant is attached to the bronze metal clay bail as a swivel, it was especially important that the reverse side of the pendant be interesting. Bouncing around inside my head are several ideas for new earring designs that would go well with this pendant. I can't wait to start working on them!
