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The Evenheat Sierra 360 Kiln…

that I’ve been using for firing metal clay for the past five plus years is starting to become temperamental.  My last three firings of bronze metal clay under fired – which of course, is definitely better than over fired!  Still, my kiln has become erratic and that just isn’t going to fly!  It may need a new thermocouple, but I don’t really have the time to dink around with it trying figure out what the problem is.  So I’ve ordered a Paragon CS2  kiln and I’ve added the view port (window) and bead door option to my order.  Thus far, I have resisted learning to lampwork beads, but I must admit, that every year when the new class offerings are announced for the Bead&Button show, I am sorely tempted to take a class that will teach me how to make glass beads.  It’s probably only a matter of time before I bite the bullet and dive into lampworked bead making, so I feel that ordering a kiln that will allow me to anneal glass is a good idea.  It will also be a great kiln for enameling should I wish to get back into that.  I have a drawer filled with enameling supplies just waiting to be played with again!  Oh, so many different aspects of jewelry making and so little time!!!

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