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Surf’s Up

I need a vacation badly…a get-away to repair my psyche from the stress of recent events.  But, since I’m still immersed and in the thick of it, I’ll think back to a carefree holiday spent on Maui –  basking in the warmth of the sun while island breezes gently rock the hammock I’d be lying in. Island birds would be calling to one another from the tops of swaying palm trees. I can hear the roar of the waves as they crash to shore and  gently flow back out to sea.  A Pinã Colada wouldn’t hurt either – you get the idea!  This is a pendant/brooch I made after returning home from a tropical vacation several years ago.  The shells, which I found on a beach walk, are set in fine silver bezels and attached to the enameled “aquarium” by hammered pieces of 14k gold wire.  Oh, how I’d love to hop on a jet and soar back to Maui this minute!

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