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Step two in the pebble bead saga…

Now that my polymer clay pebble beads are finished, I’m working on a collection of bronze metal clay beads to match.  I’m just giving them a bit of supple carving before a final swipe with a sanding board.  Then it’s into the kiln!  Although I only plan to use three of these beads in my necklace, I’ve made extras because I’m never certain of how a firing will go when using bronze metal clay.  Once in the kiln, it has proven to be far more temperamental than fine silver metal clay – at least, that’s been my experience.  Often a firing of several pieces will render different results.   Most fire beautifully, but there is the occasional bead that will crack or under fire.  A lot depends on the placement of a piece in the charcoal, the ebb and flow of temperature as the kiln cycles, the thickness of a piece, etc., and the whim of the kiln gods.  Perhaps if I were to make a shrine and present a sacrifice of some sort, the kiln gods would look upon me with favor and grant me the assurance that when I open the door and unload the firing chamber, each and every piece would be perfect!  You think?

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