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Square stitch...

is such a very sturdy stitch - one that I should definitely use more often! I do love working with right angle weave, peyote, and herringbone, and have done many projects using those stitches. But I find that I really like the feel that square stitch imparts, the solid, heavy, undulating drape of beaded fabric! Upon first glance it's easy to mistake the look of square stitch with that of a loom woven piece as the rows stack neatly one on top of another and side by side. However, it's more durable because the thread passes through each bead three times on all but the first and final row of the beading.  A double-edged sword, this attribute of the stitch also means correcting mistakes can be a nightmare.  I have learned through experience that I must pay close attention to my work as I stitch - no day dreaming allowed!  I'm stitching a new bracelet design - another wide cuff worked with 11/0 seed beads. I enjoy watching blocks of color appear as I merrily stitch along. This layer will be my base fabric. I plan to add tiny color block swatches stitched with 15/0 seed beads as well as little square bronze metal clay embellishment components which will accent the square clasp. This is my prototype - the design is still in its infancy and may surprisingly grow into something entirely different! Stay tuned!

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