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So Much Going On And…

Ideas for new beading designs are dancing in my brain, but I’m saving them for warmer weather when I can take my beads outdoors and work in the sunshine! I’m making the best of these early Spring days (YES, we finally are getting temperatures above freezing and the snow is melting!!!) to do some jewelry pieces in my metals studio. It’s been so long since I’ve worked in metal and I’m having the best time! This past week I’ve worked on a collection of stacking rings. Made of oxidized sterling silver, the stones used in these rings are tourmaline, carnelian, lemon chrysoprase, and milky aqua marine. I haven’t set stones in so long, but I’m getting my metal jewelry-making mojo back and it feels good to be working with my hammers and other tools! I intend to be bedecked in a slew of colorful jewelry pieces every day come summer. Rings, earrings, bangles, and necklaces galore! Why? Because it makes me happy! You only go round once in life…make it as good as possible!

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