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Polymer Clay vs Epoxy Resin Clay…

That’s the title of an article in the 2012 issue of “Handcrafted Jewelry” magazine.  I’d been experimenting with Epoxy Resin Clay when I received an email from Cynthia Tinapple of Polymer Clay Daily, telling me that an editor from “Handcrafted Jewelry” magazine was looking for someone who had experience in both mediums and might be willing to write an article explaining the differences between the two clays.  Well, timing is everything and I was that person.  I like working with Epoxy Resin Clay and it certainly is great for projects that can’t be baked in a craft oven.  But the difference doesn’t stop there.  Textures, available colors, curing times, are other differences that come in to play.  Read the article if you’re new to working with either clay.  The issue will hit the newsstands this week.  The above photos show a reversible mixed media pendant I made using Epoxy Resin Clay.  One side of the pendant shows a textured design captured by silver prongs and nestled inside hammer textured and formed brass sheet.  Turn the pendant over and the smooth backside of the Epoxy Resin Clay sports a water-slide transfer sealed with clear resin, which I’ve sanded to a dull finish.   The photo of a man playing the violin with a woman behind him peeks through a circular cutout in the brass.  I've titled this piece “Age of Innocence”.

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