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Do you feel like a kid when playing with color and texture?  I do!  I think back to kindergarten and that first day I dipped my fingers into paint and went wild drawing on a large sheet of paper.  I can’t remember what I painted…probably lots of squiggles and shapes.  But I remember the joy I felt in those moments when I could paint without preconceived plans or anyone telling me what to make.  Not a care in the world…just plain unabashed fun!  It’s difficult to leave behind the baggage and problems that come with adulthood, but I do make a concerted effort to put aside adult frustrations and lose myself in art play.  

I have no concrete plans for what these pieces will become.  I see the square and rectangle at the top and the free form piece at far right possibly being used in brooch or pendant designs.  The others may be earrings or end up as components used along with other pieces to create a finished product or a mixed media object. I find it’s best not to have a fixed idea for the intended finished work as so many ideas pop in and out of my head while I work that often the original idea has morphed into something altogether different.  It’s a serendipitous journey. Sometimes I’m disappointed, but most times I’m pleasantly surprised with the end result.  And frankly, I just want to have fun creating…for me, that’s what it’s all about!

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