I always hope that as I grow older, so will I become more patient. Patience is a virtue that has never come easily for me. Immediate gratification has always been my M.O. and finding myself not being able to turn new things out left and right is a foreign concept to me. This lack of activity is starting to get old very fast. I'm so used to running to the studio and working whenever a new idea pops into my brain - gathering materials, wielding tools, trying out new techniques, and at the end of the day, having something to show for the time spent. I seldom sketch, but I'm finding it's the one thing I can do now that I'm not able to physically create. By the time my elbow has mended, I should have quite a few pages of ideas for new pieces. Today I did manage to gather several selections of beautiful metallic seed beads for a project that has been on the "back burner" of my mind for some time. The mere action of gathering the materials is inspirational. Beading is something I haven't done in quite a while and will be most welcome as a change of pace. At the very least, the act of stitching tiny, sparkly seed beads into a form is very gratifying. And as I stitch, I'm counting my blessings - every single one!
Nov 11, 20101 min read
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