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New Bronze and Copper Clay!

I’ve just placed an order with for some of the new bronze and copper metal clays.  I’ve used Bronzclay™ before, but it has now been reformulated and is supposedly faster firing and easier to work with less chance of cracking during firing.  It also shrinks less than the original formula.  The new name is FASTfire Bronzclay™ and it will be interesting testing it against the old formula of which I still have several packages.  I haven’t used CopprClay™, but am looking forward to trying it out.  Copper never has enthused me as much as bronze, but the contrasting color will be very effective in some pieces.  The glitch with metal clays is that silver, bronze, and copper all fire in different temperatures and, therefore, cannot be fired in the same kiln load.  The bronze and copper clays must also be fired in a reducing atmosphere of coal carbon or coconut shell activated carbon.   I should have some new pieces made from these metal clays in the very near future, so stay tuned!

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