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Never Enough Time!

Yesterday just flew by!  Although I've been back in my studio for over a week, there is still so much to do.  I don't know how such a mess accumulates, but it does.  My workbench is once again heaped with clutter and several projects in various states of completion.  It is also overflowing with beads and whatnot that I brought home from the show.  I need to organize and  find storage for all this disaray before I can earnestly  transform my ideas into finished pieces -  I become totally scattered when I approach the bench in this state.  My table where I do metal clay and polymer work, as well as resin,  are all beginning to merge into cross contamination.  Six resin pieces  - some almost finished, others with just their base coat poured, are waiting for my attention.  I can't even begin to think about the weeding and prairie maintainance that needs to be done.   If I could just get by on four hours of sleep, I might make some headway.  I definitely could use a clone or two to help me play catchup! 

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