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More found objects to add to my stash!

While visiting Cedarburg, WI several weeks ago, I stopped in the antique store on the second floor of the old woolen mill (known as Cedarcreek Settlement where I once had a weaving studio and yarn shop).  The antique store, which overlooks the picturesque waterfalls of Cedar Creek, had been there for as long as I can remember.   While perusing through their stock, I came across these items, which will find their way into my work eventually.  I couldn’t resist the finial. It is much too large to wear as a pendant, but I might make a mold from it, and if used with the original formula of BRONZclay™ which will shrink about 20%, it may just be the right size to use as a piece of jewelry.  I love the rusty little lock…so plain and pleasantly smooth, and the keys too.  For now they will rest gently in a display box with other found objects I’ve collected along the way…objects to admire and remind me of the adventures that brought them to me

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