Hurray! My
"Big Top" Earrings kits
are assembled and listed in my
shop! I know a lot of you have been eagerly awaiting this fun project. Available in two colourways (red/yellow/blue and fuchsia/teal/purple) each Beading Kit Contains;
*11/0 Delica beads
*15/0 Toho seed beads
*11/0 Toho seed beads
*3mm Toho tube beads
*Six handmade (by me) shrink plastic componen
*Two resin Elephant beads*Two altered gear-shaped beads *Two Druk beads *Sterling silver earrings *Clear and concise step-by-step instructions are accompanied by large, full color photos and color charts that show you everything you need to know to complete the project including how to work with shrink plastic (which is a lot of fun!) even though I've included
finished handmade components in the kit.