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Leaf Hoppers?

This summer a 13-year brood of Cicadas will emerge in the same year as a 17-year brood. For the first time since 1998 13-and 17-year broods will co-emerge in the same year. Perhaps this news has subconsciously influenced myproclivity toward the color green of late. I'm sure there are many people cringing at the thought of all the cicadas that will emerge this summer, but I actually look forward to this event. The songs of cicadas remind me of carefree summers spent on my grandma's farm and the adventures I had with my cousins. We would pluck snap peas and carrots from the garden, catch fireflies in jars at dusk, swing on the drooping branches of a huge weeping willow in the yard, and we'd go swimming every afternoon. And all of our activities were accompanied by the buzzing of cicadas...that constant rhythmical cadence of summer song! I just had to title this necklace "Leaf Hoppers"! The components of this long necklace are made of shrink plastic, polymer clay, and 1" felt balls embellished with novelty and seed beads. The long black "cord" is actually a length of knit fabric-covered elastic. It measures 36" in length.



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