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Itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny...

Size 15/0 beads are so very small and those are what are on my beading mat today. It’s one of those fabulous end-of-summer days filled with sunshine and pleasant temperatures ranging in the low 70’s. Birds are chirping and a Pileated Woodpecker is nearby drilling into a tree drumming rat-tat-tat-tat sounds. The prairie is awash in a sea of yellow now that the goldenrod is in full bloom. I simply couldn’t stay indoors on a day like this! So I’m playing with pentagons and although I have used round seed beads in several of my geometric beadwoven earrings designs, I have decided that I much prefer cylinder beads for geometric beadwoven works. Whereas round seed beads lend an organic look and feel that I find very pleasing, the precision of cylinder beads seems a better fit for the angular geometry of work that juts out at 45 and 90 degree angles. And I love the fit as Delica and Aiko beads “snap” into the orderly brick-like appearance of Peyote stitch. How many of you feel the same way?

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