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It’s Time Consuming, but…

It’s all so beautiful!  I’ve just returned from Murphy’s Gardens with a box full of herbs…thyme, parsley, rosemary, mint, and lots of basil!  They’ve been in a greenhouse so I will harden them off outside during the day and put them in pots on the deck in a few days.  I no longer put them in my herb garden because raccoons love to pull them out of the ground at night and I awake to withering or dead plants.  For some reason, the raccoons have not learned to climb onto the deck and I hope it stays that way!  The front beds are doing splendidly!  Jack in the pulpit, ferns, bellwort, wild geranium, solomon’s seal, and more are growing vigorously and bluebells have taken over the woodland path!  Rather than needles, thread, and scissors, my tools this week will be spade and pruning shears! As much as I want to get back to the studio and work on beading projects, I have to take this time to “smell the roses”. This time of year is so fleeting and before we know it the dog days of summer will be here…you’ll definitely find me in the studio then!

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