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It’s that time of year again…


Registration is open for the 2017 Bead&Button show.  I’ve been perusing the class catalog and there are several classes I’d consider taking if time and money were no object. I would definitely take Celie Fago‘s Master Class, but the cost would be an extra $1,240 plus four more hotel stays! However, I’ve found the perfect class that will allow me to attend the floor show and stay just one night. Once again, Susan Lenart Kazmer is teaching at Bead&Button and her classes are always fun! I’ve taken many of her classes and I always learn something new and leave class with my creative juices flowing! “Resin, Relics, and Ancient Artifacts: Casting Resin”, is the title of the class and it’s only three hours long so I’ll have time afterwards to hit the floor show! I know taking Susan’s class will whet my appetite for exploring surface treatment and coloring of resin…something I can play with when I get back to the studio along with the goodies I pick up at the show! Shown above is a multi-charm “Talisman” bracelet that I created several years ago after taking one of Susan’s classes…I’ve had a lot of fun wearing it!

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