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It’s not all about making jewelry…

Metal Work - Hair Comb

  Utilitarian items have been on my bench over the years as well…a series of small brass picture frames for one. Then there was the beautiful tiny sterling silver hors’ d’oeuvre spoon capped with a matte onyx bezel-set finial…unfortunately, someone helping with the dinner dishes didn’t notice it slip down the garbage disposal! In the late 1990’s I took a casting class. I knew I did not want to invest in casting equipment or pursue that method of jewelry-making. I was primarily interested in casting as many tiny twigs and natural objects as I could during the class allowing me to build a nice stash of components to use in later works. The decorative branch sitting atop the prongs of the hair ornament shown here is a patinaed sterling silver cast twig created in that class…now if I could just get it to stay put in my slippery, glossy, super-straight hair!

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