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It’s Interesting How One’s Tastes Evolve..

When I first learned to bead a decade or so ago I preferred to work with beads that were muted in color...transparent or silver-lined or accented with rainbow or metallic finishes. I am still fond of those, but suddenly I find I am attracted to opaque bright-colored beads.  This is quite a leap for me because I found those colors rather garish back then. They were just too "loud"!  I truly don’t know why I find them so appealing now. Perhaps because we are in the midst of winter...the landscape is so white with snow and many days are overcast and grey. There is no color in the neutral tones outdoors at the moment. The frigid temperatures seem to contribute to a craving for the warmth of tropical colors! I’ve just ordered a selection of Delica beads and 4mm round Czech Druk beads in intensely bright shades…juicy yellow shades of mango and pineapple, vivid reds and sunset orange, kiwi and palm frond greens, turquoise and deep Caribbean blues! Just a few of those colors are shown here.  I can't wait to start a new project using these beads...I can almost hear them sing "Happy" to me!

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