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It's been a crazy, busy week...

I didn't have a spare moment to bead, do metalwork, or anything else remotely creative. We have company coming for the weekend so there was menu planning, grocery shopping, and getting the guest room ready. At the same time, a slew of orders came in for beading kits that had to be assembled, including two "Fantasy Flora" Cuff kits, each of which contain 29 packets of beads (Delicas, seed, Magatama, bicone crystals) of 39 colors!  Thankfully, that task is finished!

Studio - Assembling Kits_edited-1

Looking around, I realized one of my studios was such a disaster area that I would be embarrassed to show it to anyone!  My work table was piled high with polymer clay and resin projects and other jewelry-making paraphernalia. Even worse, the corner of the room dedicated to my knitting machines (which haven't been used in quite some time!) was in complete disarray...balls of yarn assembled in helter-skelter fashion were collecting dust and cobwebs. Vacuuming yarn is not an activity I relish, but it was required before sorting and storing them in bins in the closet, awaiting a day in the future when I once again use the knitting machines.

Studio - Cleaning Closet_edited-1

Sorting through it all was a lot of work...the photo below shows just "the tip of the iceberg"! Of course, I had the cats "helping" me!

Studio - Sorting Yarn_edited-1

Thankfully, after two days of vacuuming, moving furniture, cleaning surfaces, etc., my studio no longer resembles the aftermath of a tornado! If one needs impetus to clean house, there's nothing like having company coming to speed things along!

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