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It’s a Door County kind of day…


And I might add, a very good day for staying indoors and beading!  A gentle mist is giving our prairie a chance to recover from the scorching rays of the sun and the cool temperature reminds me of the climate in Door County, Wisconsin – a beautiful area of land flanked by Green Bay on one side and Lake Michigan on the other. It’s a desirable place to which one can escape when Chicago is broiling in ninety-plus degree temperatures. It is also a destination for those who like to visit galleries and artist’s studios and who enjoy staying in boutique hotels, Inns, and B&Bs in the tiny towns and villages that dot Highway 41. I spent many weekends there during the 1970’s when I lived just a short distance away. I haven’t been there in some time, but whenever our Illinois weather turns rainy or cool during the summer, I recall the weather I’ve experienced while visiting Egg Harbor, Fish Creek, Ephraim, Sister Bay, and Baileys Harbor.  I remember participating in a June out-door art fair in Ephraim thirty-some years ago and the weather was so frigid and windy that I wrapped myself in the heavy woolen shawls I was selling (I owned a yarn shop and was into weaving back then). I recall selling quite a few woven woolens that day to shivering attendees!  By no means is it that cold here at the moment, but the heat we’ve experienced in the past few weeks has been replaced with welcome rain accompanied by cool breezes.  Yes, it is a Door County kind of day!

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