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It all began with Pop Beads…

I think my passion for jewelry began that day; fifty-some Septembers ago (does that make me an antique?).  It was my birthday and I had asked my father for “pop beads”, which were all the rage back then. I don’t know if they are still made, but pop beads were individual plastic beads resembling pearls that snapped together and when pulled apart made a “pop” sound. They were a novelty and I was one of the first “kids on the block” to sport this new trend! Daddy drove me to a shop that sold women’s costume jewelry and accessories and I remember standing at the counter for the longest time trying to decide which color of “pearls” I wanted – pastel pink, pale blue, mint green, or pearl white. I finally chose the white because they looked most like real pearls and would go with everything. Immediately after the purchase, Daddy propped me up on the bumper of his ’58 Buick and snapped the photo as I posed, proudly showing off my new acquisition.  This birthday girl was truly a happy camper that day and here I am many years later – still in love with beads!

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