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In the Past…

Some twenty years ago, I spent a good deal of time in the southwest, immersing myself in its art and culture, hiking the canyons, and exploring clifftop dwellings.  I was intrigued as I stepped inside the many rooms of these ancient abodes.  Drawings which told stories of dreams and ancient lore covered the walls.  Some of the drawings were carved, but I remember many of them having been drawn with charcoal.  I envisioned the occupants  sitting around a fire pit telling stories, then recording the tales with charred twigs after the fire had burned out.   Those drawings inspired much of the work I did in basketry and jewelry back then, but to this day, they remain vividly etched in my mind.  With this pair of sterling silver drop earrings, I’ve embedded polymer clay with imprinted designs.  They very much remind me of the petroglyphs I viewed many years ago.  

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