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In memoriam…

Yesterday was difficult and extremely sad. Today the loss is really setting in.  I’m gathering up the beds and blankets upon which she spent countless hours.  I’m washing them and putting them away.  This is a trying task. Memories of her romping with our other cat flood my mind.  Any minute I expect to see her furry little head peering around a corner with a vociferous request for food.   I remember her arrival at our home twelve years ago.  We had found her through an ad in our local newspaper: Calico kitten, seven months old, needs loving home. We had been looking for a companion for our four-year old cat and fell in love with Patches upon first sight.   Shy and skittish and a bit needy, she had  a sweet demeanor and was a lap cat – on her own terms, of course.  We expected to share our lives with her for many years.  Sadly, her health began to fail several months ago and in the past weeks she suffered rapid decline.  Yesterday Steven and I made the decision to let Patches go.  We will miss our dear little girl!

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