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If You Were Alive in the 1950’s…

You may recall Mad Magazine and its mascot, Alfred E. Neuman…his slogan was, “What Me Worry?”.  Oh, for those carefree days when we didn’t have to worry about staying alive!  Life is vastly different these days and stress levels are extremely high with the advent of COVID-19.  I’ve found that we can lower that stress by accepting that it is what it is and that wishing the virus away won’t make it disappear. Frustration over our government’s inaction and ineptness is ineffectual.  We can only control how we react to reality and our actions to protect ourselves and others by

taking every possible precaution.  Adapting to our “new normal” is definitely easier for naturally happy people and for those who see the cup as half-full rather than half-empty. Those who suffer from depression will understandably have a greater challenge dealing with anxiety and fear resulting from the pandemic.  Given all that is happening, I thought it might be beneficial to create some Worry Beads that can be touched and held as a reminder to focus on the here and now, of living and loving to the fullest each and every day we are given.  Will it help?  I don’t know, but it can’t hurt.  I recently read an interesting article regarding the use of beads for this purpose on a website called Safe Strings .  My string of Worry Beads shown here started with a tassel to which I’ve added colorful geometric beaded beads.  They are accompanied by beads made of carved bone, copal, ostrich eggshell, chunks of coral and Chinese turquoise disks, as well as polymer clay faux amber, turquoise and coral.  It is a chain of beads that can be held or attached to a belt or worn as a  necklace.  It’s a happy piece and couldn’t we all use a bit of happiness nowadays?

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