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If you'd like to follow my blog...

If you haven't received any of my blog posts via email since January, here's why...over the years, I've had a blog, but I consolidated by moving my blog to my website last January and  unfortunately, followers of my blog did not transfer to my website blog.  SO, if you'd like to have my blog emailed to you whenever I post, please sign up to follow me! Here's how: go to my website: where you will find a drop down menu at the left side of the page.  There you will find a link to  Barbara's Blog toward the bottom of the column. Click on that link and you will arrive on a page with many blog posts. Click on the title of any blog post and you will arrive on a page showing that post…scroll to the bottom of that page where a sentence reads  “Notify me of new posts by email” and check the box next to it. My web guru is also working on a mailing list widget…I’ll let you know when it is up and running!

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