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I really should have…

made an additional New Year’s resolution.  As it was, I resolved to try to keep my studio spaces clean and neat this coming year.  So far I’m falling behind on that and we’re only one month into the new year.  The other resolution I neglected to make, but really must at this time, is to spend less time on the internet.  Between general daily correspondence,  keeping up with various internet memberships to guilds, etc., maintaining my website, adding work to my  Etsy shop,  and writing entries in my blog, I’m falling behind in my creative work.  Dealing with so many tasks drains my creativity.   There is just not enough time to do everything and do it well.  I simply must be at the keyboard less and at my workbench more.  Period.  My blogs are therefore going to be less frequent.  Eleven months ago, I was posting every day. After several months, I widdled that down to every other day.   But even that is getting to be a bit much.    Just as I wish I could clone myself or that I had elves to create while I sleep, it would be lovely to have a secretary tethered to the keyboard, typing away, and doing miscellaneous chores such as book work and inventory, writing directions for my beaded designs, counting and weighing beads and assembling beading kits (which takes far more time than I ever thought it would!), and a few other things like conditioning my polymer clay, sanding and finishing edges on my metal clay pieces before firing them, and cleaning up the mess left after a creative surge.  Oh, and it would be nice just to have some time off – a day now and then to have a life outside the studio…maybe even a week or two!   I’ll still be posting –  just not as frequently.  Once or twice a week is the new goal.  And if you subscribe to my blog, you’re sure not to miss a thing!  There’s an old saying…”always leave them hungry and wanting more” and that’s probably sage advice.   

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