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I just love the moment when…

My beadwork seems to take on a life of its own! I started this project more than a month ago, but life became crazy busy and time went by wicked fast. In fact, the most beading I was able to accomplish resulted in twelve completed rows! Life hasn’t slowed down for me, but I was able to steal a few precious hours this week to work several more rows. Commencing with tiny horns, each capped with terra-cotta colored drop beads, it was on row 14 that my “Fire Dragon” Wrap (inspired by CGB and my previous Sea Dragon, Sea Dragon Variation, and Loch Ness Sea Dragon Wraps) really began to take shape! Perhaps the “beading gods” will slow down the pace of my life a bit and allow me to spend more time doing what I love! And in case you’re wondering…yes, a tutorial is in the works for this one!

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