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Home, Sweet, Home!

Although I had a fabulous and exhilarating and exhausting week at the Bead & Button  show and am very much looking forward to the 2011 show, I must say – it is so wonderful to be back home!  I missed the cats and they missed me.  Fortunately, they had Steven for company while I was away.  My hotel accommodations were lovely, but there is nothing like sleeping in one’s own bed!  I’ll spend today catching up on everything I missed while I was away and I have so many goodies (beads, stones, tools, mixed media paraphernalia) to unpack and find places for.  I’m eager to get back to the workbench with all my new ideas and I want to use the new stash I bought at the show.  As always, too much I want to do and never enough time in a day!  If I find time, I’ll take photos of the pieces I made at the show last week – some still need a bit of tweaking and finishing.

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