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Happy Colors

This bracelet is a riot of colors and fittingly titled “Carnival”.  It is a result of left over beads from other projects, beads I’ve found on the floor, beads   of an odd lot or that number too few to use in a project by themselves.  I save all of this “bead soup” in a jar which I keep on my beading table. When the container is full, it’s time to create a project that calls for beads of many different types and colors.  This kind of project is the perfect traveling companion.  Being very free form, it doesn’t require a charted pattern or counting.  It’s a “mindless’ project that allows one to relax, sit back, and enjoy the view while beading.  I made this bracelet several years ago while vacationing on Maui.  Beading while listening to the surf crashing onto the shore, sipping an ice cold drink, and digging one’s toes in the warm sand… life doesn’t get much better than that!

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