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It’s just too beautiful outdoors to be in the studio right now.  Thus far we’ve had a miserable summer with humid, sweltering hot weather day after day for weeks on end. However, yesterday and today have been absolutely gorgeous with temperatures in the mid 70’s, cool breezes, and no gnats!  Our summers are too short here in the Midwest so I’m taking advantage of this brief, but much deserved cool spell and spending it out on the screened porch.  Birds are singing their sweet tunes, bees are buzzing, and Mama Doe just sauntered by accompanied by her baby Bambi as they nibbled on the vast salad bowl in our prairie…so adorable!  It is the perfect day to sit back with an iced coffee and a good book, but as usual, my fingers are itching to be busy. Of course, doing metal work is not an option outside of the studio…at 250 pounds, my workbench is far from portable as is all the equipment I use for metalsmithing!  Instead I’ve decided to take a tray of Delica beads outdoors as I want to experiment with stitching an Exploding Geometric PodCast Bead.  I’ve been watching a Kate McKinnon instructional video but haven’t yet gotten to the exploding portion of the bead, which I’m sure it will be very interesting!  If tomorrow is as lovely as today is, I will most likely bring out some baked polymer clay and hone my carving skills…something I’ve been wanting to do for a while.  Peekaboo will be snoozing under the bed, but Jackson and Cooper promise to keep me company!

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