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First Things First…

As mentioned in my previous blog, after a hiatus of one year I’m ready to work with polymer clay again.  My clay muse had been calling me for a while, but I’d been so busy creating beaded geometric earring designs that I refused to listen brushed and her aside. I have quite a large stash of polymer clay, but before I can begin to play I must tackle the tedious task of conditioning the clay I plan to use in my projects. I’m finding much of my older clay is rock-hard and crumbly.  Thankfully, my husband gifted me with a NeverKnead machine for Xmas several years ago and it is really helpful!  Reconditioning clay would be a horrible task requiring a lot of time, patience, and superior hand strength. The NeverKnead will be a great friend in “lightening the load” and it will save my hands! With the addition of a few drops of clay softener and a bit of time and effort, the clay is once again becoming malleable. Soon I’ll be able to start to play!

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