It took a good thirty hours of beading, but I've finally finished my right angle weave lariat rope necklace and I'm very pleased! Beaded loops are stitched at each end to which I've attached sterling silver "S" hooks that allow me the option of changing the focal beads that dangle at each end. At the top is Gail Crosman Moore's lampworked glass pendant which I acquired from KateMckinnon during one of her sales...thank you Kate! I love the organic earthiness of its shape and the colors are absolutely delightful. I've made a polymer clay abstract floral pod to go with Gail's art glass. I know I'm going to enjoy wearing this very versatile piece. I am offering this lariat rope design as a beading kit. Check the Jewelry Kitspage at www.BarbaraBriggsDesigns.com for more information. The photo below shows a close-up of the beaded rope and because I used "S" hooks, I was able to remove my polymer clay abstract floral pod and replace it with a spiral, seed bead embedded polymer bead.