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Fibulas are part of my “Antiquities” collection…

and I’ve made several this past week. Most people think of a leg bone when the word fibula is mentioned, but in Ancient Greece and Rome, a brooch or clasp was referred to as a fibula – the bone is so named because the shape it makes with the tibia resembles a clasp, the fibula being the tongue.  At least that’s what the dictionary says.  As far as I’m concerned, it’s a wonderful fashion accessory!  It is the perfect accompaniment to a shawl or scarf and on a heavy knit garment, it can be a superb piece of jewelry substituting for a necklace.  This mixed media fibula combines bronze, sterling silver, copper, polymer clay, and semi-precious gem stones.  It measures a substantial 3″ in width and is available at Brio Gallery in Galena, IL.

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