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Faux Bone, brass, and copper…

 are the materials we used in Richard Salley’s “Ancient Shield” class at the Bead and Button show last week.  I like and am very familiar with Faux Bone™ and have used it in many of my pieces.  It’s a very versatile form of PVC that can be sawed, carved, sanded, heat formed, colored, and altered in many ways.  However, the main reason I took the class was to explore various techniques to etch metal.  I found that it is rather easy to do using ferric chloride.  You simply take a clean piece of brass, copper, or nickel and apply a resist such as printed matter from a toner copier.  When the metal is placed in a bath of ferric chloride, the area that has the resist stays put while the rest of the metal etches away.  Everyone made a pendant during class, but I found time to etch a supply of metal to use in future pieces as well!

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