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is so important – especially as we age!  Back in the 80’s I was addicted to aerobics and going to the gym five days a week.   During the 90’s I grew lazy and never seemed to find the time nor the inclination to exercise.  When I started beading I knew I was in huge trouble because it is so sedentary.   For all the calories one burns while beading, you might as well be sleeping!  Not only did I gain weight, but as I’ve aged, I’ve also become less flexible.  Well, enough is enough – I’m turning over a new leaf!   I’ve signed up for yoga classes,  I’ve started doing strength training, and I’m building a library of really fun exercise dvds that make working out great fun!  Here are some I feel worthy of mention.  There is a series called “Ten Minute Solutions” and they’re great because each dvd is broken down into five 10 minute workouts so you can choose to do a few or the full 50 minute workout.  I have several Jillian Michael’s dvds, but you have to be super motivated to do those.  She’s a real task master and her workouts are HARD, but they do give results if you’re willing to work.  By far, the dvds I prefer are the fun ones that incorporate dance movements and music that makes you want to move.  My very favorites are Hemalyaa Behl’s Bollywood Dance workout dvds.  The cinematography is filled with lush visuals, the music is wonderful, and she instills a sense of joy and fun in the movements…plus I LOVE her workout clothes! 

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