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Change of life…

I feel like a kid just let out of school for summer vacation with weeks of freedom ahead – weeks and months to play and do anything I wish!  I haven’t felt such liberation in a long time.  I admit that I am a workaholic and working in my jewelry studio can be all-encompassing. I’ve spent the last three months creating a new body of work for Brio Gallery and have sorely neglected projects, activities, and assorted items that have been on my wish list during that time.  I barely surfaced for air and missed most of this summer.  I do love my work and creating is akin to breathing for me, but I haven’t paid attention to the “everything in moderation” principle.  My yin and yang have become quite unbalanced.  I’ve been too driven for too long and my body and mind are telling me to slow down, smell the roses, and surface for fresh air.  Thankfully, my obligations for this year have come to an end.  Various writing commitments for articles and step-by-step projects in Metal Clay Artist magazine (volume 3, issue 2,) Handcrafted Jewelry magazine, and “Metal Clay and Color” have been published.  Commissions are finished and I’ve built enough stock for the holidays.  I can finally jump off the treadmill!  But don’t think for minute that I’ll sitting idle twiddling my thumbs.  Projects that have been put on the back burner are patiently waiting for my attention and I want to explore more beading techniques, geometric beading in particular.  I want to test new ideas and create pieces for pure pleasure!  Perhaps I’ll play with designs for some new jewelry displays I’d like to build.   It’s time to pursue other passions as well.  I love to cook and would like to experiment with recipes for preparing whole foods.  I want to pursue my practice of yoga and meditation.  Much of my reading material has always consisted of articles geared to learning new techniques – now it’s time to read for pleasure.  A good novel is in order!  I think I’m going to love not having an agenda – at least for a while!

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