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Bells of Sarna?

A very long time ago, when I was a little girl, there was a gift shop that my mother and I used to frequent.  The shop, aptly named Rockledge because it was built on a cliff beside a picturesque waterfall, was stocked with tasteful items and curiosities, children’s books (my “First Steps in Ballet

” book was purchased there), gifts for golfers, cooks,  and collectors.  Among my mother’s sporadic purchases, was a strand of tiny bells from India called “Bells of Sarna”.  I still have several bells from that strand which I found tucked away in a basket while readying my mother’s home for sale.  The bells now hang from a lamp on my workbench and were my inspiration for these bronze and fine silver metal clay earrings and pendant.  Thankfully they are silent – I find earrings that tinkle and jangle disturbing when rattling next to my ears!  The earrings are light weight, very comfortable to wear, and they will always remind me of Rockledge and the Bells of Sarna.  

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