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Beadwork will have to wait!

We’ve finally had a day filled with sunshine and accompanied by pleasantly warm temperatures, which means it was time to put down the beading and head outdoors. I trekked through our woods looking for morels without success. Ten years ago we had a bumper crop, but they seem to have played themselves out…I didn’t find any last year either!

What I did find were a plethora of blossoming bluebells and lovely bright yellow bellwort. I saw emerging Arisaema triphyllum, better known as Jack in the Pulpit and fern fiddleheads tightly curled in coils. Our serviceberry trees are ready to burst in full-bloom and purple and white violets dot our prairie. It’s a lovely time of year and the farms across the river in Iowa are surrounded by lush green pastures. There are definitely trade-offs to the convenience of city-living, but the serenity afforded here is immeasurable…I do so love living in the country!

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