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Beading tips and hints are always appreciated...

especially when they make a project easier and more fun!  I've just started a new beaded cuff design and it is truly a pleasure to work on since I've started using Tulip beading needles.  They are a new product from Japan and ten times as expensive as John James English beading needles which I have been using for years, but what a difference they make!  They keep their shape yet are flexible and they don't split threads because the tip of the needle is ever so slightly rounded.  I started this cuff with a size #11 Tulip needle and it is still going strong!  Note how straight the needle is after working three inches of square stitch!  Using other needle brands, I would have had to replace my beading needle three times by now and it would be all bent out of shape and would have split threads which is not a good thing.   They are available in sizes #10, #11, and #13.  The sizes #10 and #11 needles are sold in a packages of four for $4.95.  Size #13 needles are sold in packages of two with a hefty price tag of $14 (gulp!)  I purchased a pack of size #11 needles from beading artist and Tulip needle distributor Carol Cypher at the Bead&Button show in June.  Check out her blog for more info!

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