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Beading is on the back burner for now...


There is so much going on right now! Managing the dynamics between Peekaboo and the kittens and attending to their well-being (mental and physical) takes a lot of time and energy. I think it will be a while before our household regains equilibrium and life as we know it, returns to normal. Peekaboo, our twelve-year-old cat, and the kittens coexisting peacefully is still in the future. Yesterday reminded me of the "showdown at O.K. Corral"...Peek had gone downstairs and as the coast was clear, I took Jackson and Cooper into the bedroom. As they were exploring, Peekaboo came up the stairs just as Cooper was heading in that direction. There was a tense moment as Peek arched her back, hissed and growled. Cooper, who is one-third Peek's size, stood his ground...that teeny kitten stared her down and Peek retreated down the stairway. It looks like it's going to take a bit more time than I thought, but I'm confident they will get along eventually. In the mean-time my job description is cat psychologist, cat mom and wrangler, maid, playmate, referee, cook and bottle washer...all tasks that eat into my creative time!  Dogs have masters...cats have staff!

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