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Back At It!

I’ve dusted off my Dream Machine clay conditioner and have begun to play once again. A collection of beads featuring black, white, grey, and red is underway along with several ideas for a necklace with lots of surface design. I’m having great fun! I just wish my work setup were easily portable so I could easily transport it outdoors…carting all this polymer paraphernalia upstairs and out to the screened porch would be quite an undertaking! With our brief summer season I really want to spend as much time outdoors as possible so I wait for rainy days or hot, humid weather to drive me indoors and down to the studio. I am, however, catching up on reading, which I consider a true luxury especially when I can listen to birdsong and inhale the fragrance of milkweed blossoming in prairie. I’m also enjoying watching instructional videos on polymer techniques that I have yet to try such as silk screening…that’s next. Silk screens and paints are on the way! I want to do some caning as well. So many ideas and never enough time!



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