Living in the country is never dull! The first little brown bat of the season managed to find its way into our house this week. Having lived in the country for over seven years, we're becoming quite adept at the art of catch and release of these furry, flying creatures. Our prairie promises to burst forth with a multitude of wildflowers - beautiful Spiderwort and False Indigo are blooming now. And th
e blue birds have flown the coup! Two days ago, I peeked into their house and was greeted by two tiny feathered chicks. There had originally been five, and I guessed the others had already taken off. Today I checked the box again and it was empty so I cleaned it out in hope that Mr. and Mrs. Blue will return and start another family soon. I'll keep watch from my studio beading table. I'm busy finishing up another "Potpourri" bracelet, this time worked in neutral tones of black, silver, and gold. I'll have a photo soon.