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A new geometric cuff is in the works…


I’m making headway on my latest cuff design (thus far inspired by Wings and Horns in CGB).  As yet, I’m not sure what I will do when I begin working off the MRAW (modified right angle weave) foundation band. I have several ideas in mind, all of which dance in my brain at night and prevent my falling asleep! My initial palette of colors has expanded from fourteen to twenty-five colors as I’ve worked on the design. It may grow even more before all is said and done! The color chart I created for this design has had several renditions as well, with bead placement and colors changing as the design evolves. My title for this piece has been in a state of metamorphosis too…I started out by calling it “Exotica Star Gazer Lilly”, but as the cuff has grown, I’m leaning toward “Fantasy Flora” as I intend the finished piece to be anything but ordinary!

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