I’ve fired up the torch, polished my tools, and am back at my jeweler’s workbench and while looking through drawers and in storage boxes I’ve made a great discovery! I have so many bits and pieces of wire, cutout shapes from silver and bronze sheet, bezels, stones and other components that I’ve made and accumulated over my years of working with metal! This is rather exciting because I’ll be able to utilize many of these in new works! Ideas for bracelets, pendants, rings, earrings and more are dancing in my head! The downside is that there are so many components here that my mind is jumping from one idea to the next in rapid succession. I envision a pinball machine in my head...rat-tat-tat-tat-boing-boing-boing back and forth! My focus hones in on an idea for a particular piece and then, like a kid in a candy store distracted by all the goodies, I jump to the next idea. Presently, I have six metals projects in various stages of process. On the bright side, it’s probably better to have too many ideas than none at all. There are times when my muse has temporarily taken flight to parts unknown leaving me high and dry in the creative arena and I’ll take having too many ideas over that scenario any day!