Wouldn’t it be lovely if upgrading to a new computer were a seamless operation? In a perfect world, it would be. Fairy tales aside, sadly that’s not what happens. I just replaced my old desktop computer and in upgrading to the new device some software applications were lost...the ones that I use most and depend upon for creating my tutorials. Gone are my Photoshop and Word programs. Neither are supported by iOS Catalina. And iPhoto has been retired and replaced with a new Photos program that won’t open for some reason. Alerts pop up telling me the program will not open because of a problem but with no instruction regarding what the problem is and how to fix it! I've spent days hunting for solutions, trying to come up with alternatives, and trying my best not to become so frustrated that I break down and cry...we know that doesn't solve anything! As for Word, I truly dislike the new rental only plan Microsoft now has where you have to pay big bucks every year to continue using the software. Every Word document I have in my files now shows up in Pages and any format Word used that Pages doesn't support is unavailable. I find that Pages isn't as user friendly as Word and certainly doesn’t have all the ‘bells and whistles’ that Word has, but I can get by with it if I have to. It's the photos that I'm most concerned about. I really would prefer not having to purchase another $600 Photoshop program. In any event, the beading project that I've been diligently working on over this past month is on hold until I get things sorted out on my computer. As Roseann Rosanadana said, "It's always something"!