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I’m so glad the last two weeks are over!  So many distractions stole time away from the project I’ve been working on for more than a month.  The good news is that I was able to spend three solid days writing the tutorial…it still needs more process photos and steps, and the actual piece needs to be assembled, but I now see ‘light at the end of the tunnel’!  I’m waiting for an order of several gemstones beads that will be used as accents in the design and I have shrink plastic beads to create, but I am making progress!  Our weather has been extremely hot and humid of late and being forced indoors encouraged me to accomplish much that can’t be done on the screened porch.  However, after a tremendous storm in our area yesterday, it is once again cool and just too beautiful to stay inside so here I am…outdoors and starting another project before the other is finished!  In our Midwest climate, one has to take advantage of every moment when the temperature feels perfect, the day is sunny and breezy, and there is a feeling of serenity in the atmosphere amidst all the chaos in the world.  My mantra for today…just breathe, relax, and bead.

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